Jason Poland, Model Builder Searh Winner and 3 Runners up: Sarah Hall, Clay Hervey and Jarad Barkdoll will be up in LA first thing in the Morning with George Corn (Model Repairer Extroidinaire of the Repair Lair at LEGOLAND Califorina) and PR Pro Julie Estrada to build a Model on air.
These Builders really are the Best of the Best upcoming talent in the Arts (Fine Arts, Computer Arts and LEGO Arts!) They are going to attempt to build a really large logo on air and I hope they do it with time to spare!
Hey Kristi its Mandy! I already miss you guys so much and all the legos too! There is a void in my life now that I didnt know was missing, I miss legoland!!
Last night was very fun and relaxing, Maybe someday I will work for legoland, but for now I will just keep sewing heh. Hopefully I will see you guys at comic con that would be awesome if you got to be at the Lego booth! ( I will make a lego sock monkey for my booth if you do!!)
I miss you too! On the first round of the tour I just met all you guys but when you came to the hotel party Sunday nite we were already old friends! I feel a little empty now...
I can't wait to see the LEGO sock monkey... I'll be there for fun for sure!
I know! I still have some park tickets left so I will let you know when I come to visit so I can smudge my hands all over your model builder window and make faces at you guys!
you know what is so strange too? I thought after tuesday Id NEVER want to play with Lego's again but on my way home I was like - wow I have a bunch of new Lego's... what can I make with them hmmm. Im a revived legogeek now **nerd alert alarm**
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